Did You Know?

“Employers who show they care about the safety of their employees see improved morale, increased productivity, lower costs and fewer injuries.”4 

  • Every 7 seconds a worker is injured on the job. 2
  • 3 out of every 100 workers experienced a non-fatal workplace injury or illness in 2019.1
  • Top non-fatal injuries and illnesses causing lost workdays: sprains, strains, or tears; soreness or pain; cuts, lacerations, or punctures. 3 

 Make safety a priority every day! Don’t take shortcuts.  

Benjamin’s 6 Workplace Safety Tips

Safety in the workplace takes on many forms: personal safety and first aid, making people aware of dangers, fire prevention, building security, hygiene and germ protection, tech security and more. Here are our top 6 workplace safety tips that you can implement immediately: 

1. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Recognize workplace risks specific to your job.  Be conscious of those around you. Do your best to ensure you don’t pose a hazard to them and that they aren’t posing a hazard to you. Basically, stay alert and aware and always know what’s going on around you. Whether it’s a person you don’t know wandering through the office or a potential hazard, know the things to look out for on your job. 

2. Know Your Workplace Safety Procedures


Come up with a fire emergency plan and ensure that everyone knows it. Keep safety exits clear. Train your employees on machine safety. Never remove or tamper with safety devices. Make sure first aid kits are available and everyone knows where they are located. Don’t take shortcuts—there is a reason for doing things “by the book” — it keeps everyone safe! 

3. Posture Matters 

Poor posture leads to workplace injuries. If you are doing repetitive lifting, make sure you are using your legs, not lifting over your abilities and using the proper safety equipment. If you are sitting at your desk, make sure you are set up ergonomically. There are many ergonomic products that can help you maintain proper posture. 

4. Regular Breaks Are Key

When you are tired, it is hard to focus. Get a good night’s sleep to stay focused and reduce illnesses. When at work, take breaks during the day to continue to stay alert. This includes taking a lunch break — step away from your desk and head to the breakroom. 

5. Report Unsafe Conditions 

Know how to report incidents or hazards in your workplace. Then, if you see something unsafe, report it. Is there a spill in the breakroom? Are you not being given adequate breaks? Is an emergency exit blocked? Is equipment being used incorrectly? 

6. Use the proper safety equipment 

You wouldn’t fight a fire without a hose, so don’t try to do your job without the proper safety equipment either. Always dress appropriate for the task you are performing and wear PPE if required (personal protective equipment isn’t just masks–it can include hand, ear and head and body protection). Work in an office? Don’t think this doesn’t include you–cleaning supplies and smoke alarms are safety equipment too! 

Make safety a priority every day. Safety Starts with Benjamin! 



  1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses occurred in private industry in 2019 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2020/2-8-million-nonfatal-workplace-injuries-and-illnesses-occurred-in-private-industry-in-2019.htm (visited June 10, 2021).  
  2. https://www.nsc.org/workplace/resources/infographics/workplace-injuries-by-the-numbers 
  3. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/osh.pdf 
  4. https://www.nsc.org/workplace



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